Stories & Reviews

Eugene’s Story
The guy hit my car sideways. I was in pain, medicated. My back was messed up. Went to the doctor, went to the therapy. Lindsey, she was working with my sister and she said so many good things about her and so that was basically it.
Lindsey’s a hard worker. She’s always involved, calling, letting you know what’s going on. I didn’t have one time where I felt like some lawyers make you feel, like you’re just a number. She definitely can see you, her client, and put herself right in your shoes...

Anna’s Story
I was a passenger in a car that was rear-ended. The driver who hit us admitted he was on the phone and still they made me feel like it was my fault that I was hurt!
Lindsey understands your pain, she believes in you, and helps strengthen you for all the things you’ll have to handle.
She understands that recovery is about more than money. It’s also about justice. So she really listens to what’s important to her clients in terms of your settlement. It’s not about what she wants...

Navarro’s Story

Christina’s Story

Max’s Review
Clients know when you believe them and believe their problems and genuinely care about them, and I don’t know many people who do that better than Lindsey. I don’t know anyone with more of a personal connection with her clients.
She has tremendous empathy, in ways that I rarely see in her field. These are all people with human problems that she will do her best to serve...